Friday, October 28, 2011

Actividad de calabazas 10-27-2011

caminamos por todos los pasillos de la escuela, vimos las calabazas. Rosa y Keled estaban tomando fotos de las calabazas con un I-pod. Vamos a escoger la mejor calabaza. Nosotros escogimos la calabaza de GARFIELD de la clase de Mrs. Goodwin.

Escrito por Uver y Adolfo.

Cada uno de nosotros escogió un libro y hicimos un arco narrativo: autor, título, género, personajes, donde pasó (ambiente), que pasa en el cuento.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

mind sketching 10/27/11

You sketch something like: "4 things with wheels"

I have to know what they are
my friends don't know what they are
no detais
you need to talk about your skeching using full sentences.

wrote by jacquelyn and lizbeth';/

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Octuber 26, 2011

"What more could you ask for in life than to be given an impossible challenge?"
"Que más podrías pedirle a la vida que te de un reto imposible." Corey Brook.

Mi reto es que me calme porque soy ansiosa en todo y me tengo que calmar.
Maria. Mi reto es hacer una carrera.Monica

"All progress occurs because people dare to be different" Harry Milner

"Todo progreso ocurre cuando la gente se atreve a ser diferente."

Cuando la gente cambia más gente empieza a cambiar. dijo Karla
Cuando alguien quiere hacer una carrera pero no pueden y otra gente si pueden. Bryan.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First filed trip to the District Art museum on 10/24/11

First we went to see a movie and we made pots and then we saw the gallery and last we played the instrumens.

thei show os new things thats way we liked.


Friday, October 21, 2011

pensamiento del día 10-21-11

Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Lewis Carroll

Dare to dream! It can be an exciting way to begin your day.

Algunas veces yo creo hasta en 6 cosas imposibles antes de sentarme a desayunar. Lewis Carroll.

ATREVETE a SOÑAR!!!! Es una manera emocionante de comenzar tu día.

uno debe hacer su mejor esfuerso. pararme en la mañana y desir si voy a parar hasta que lo haga bien.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

thank you

Buster asked me to send you this note thanking you and SBE 2nd grade for the great respect and the wonderful award that he will treasure for years to come.

Buster, Bonnie & Johnny

Johnny Sims -Transportation
Driver Trainer

Email sent to 2nd grade. after community helpers week.

sujeyli poems

My family has a cat hes really really fat
he sat on dadys hat
know dadys hat has a flat.

we like the poem becuase at was fun.rou for eduardo

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

poemas y dichos de xhunaxhi 10-19-11

Estoy enfermo de la A
por culpa de la M
fui al doctor de la O
y me receto la R

Perro que ladra no muerde. cuando gente abla no dice nada importante.

POEMA DE Xhunaxhy escrito por Michelle.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


we talc with another clas in pensivania. we cho them our graph. they ask us cuechons.end we ask cuechons.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


If we take a shortcut, we would not do it right. We need to show what we are thinking. Like in problem solving, you have to show all the steps. Michelle said that it is important to not take a shortcut always take your time and follow the steps.

by jason p, sofia and keled. wrote it by mrs. cruz.

Friday, October 7, 2011

dicho 10-7-11

Cuando algo malo te pasa tienes 3 opciones:

1) Puedes dejar que te defina,
2) Puedes dejar que te destruya,
3) Puedes dejar que te haga mas fuerte.

mi abuelita se murio:

1)me puedo olvidar lo del pasado y no ablar de eso pero eso no me va a ayudar.
2)estar muy triste.
3)recordar con cariño y salir adelante.
Escrito por Rosa.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Quote for 10-6-11

"The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you." John E. Southard

If sofia helps me clin my desc, then sofia if she needs me I will help her.sofia saed it karla rod it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

O.R.E.O Project

1) we mer graphs of oreo cucis.
2)we beld 2 tawers
3)WE measure and we comperet dem
4)we add them oll and divide them by 23. our number is 17.
5) at the end we made sculputures.

IT WAS VER FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote for 10-4-11

"It is not what is poured into a student that counts but what is planted."

What shi maksu usi think win wi ar
warkin. keled

Monday, October 3, 2011

Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught. ~J.C. Watts

Maria dijo que ella se recordaba cuando dijimos que se deben hace cosas buenas cuando nadie te ve.
Jason dice si alguien hace algo mal tu no lo debes hacer.